You know sleep is important. You also know you will be getting less of it once your baby arrives!
Did you know that your baby can learn the difference between day and night, take good naps, and gradually sleep longer stretches at night - with a little support from you?
Not only am I a postpartum doula and a certified pediatric sleep consultant, I’m also a mom of two kids and I remember all of those hard days and nights of no sleep and wondering “am I doing this right? Am I missing anything?”
That’s why I’m so passionate about helping new parents feel calm, confident, and empowered when it comes to birth and parenting - especially in the area of sleep. Why? Because quality sleep (or lack thereof) is the foundation of it all: healing from birth, mental health, milk supply, immune system, brain function - everything!
I’m giving you the science behind newborn sleep; the strategies to get a newborn to learn the difference between day and night; how to get more sleep with a new baby; and the confidence to implement them in your home right away, from day one.
Presented by Sara Skiles, CD, CPSC. Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and owner of Wichita Baby Co