For When "Sleep Like a Baby" Isn't a Thing
You know they use sleep deprivation as a form of torture, right??
Whether you're still pregnant or you have your baby in your arms, you understand now more than ever the true value of sleep. Sleep deprivation worsens postpartum depression and anxiety, causes hallucinations, raises your blood pressure, and keeps your immune system constantly kicked down - among a whole host of other mental and physical issues. And yet, our society shrugs and chuckles and says "this too shall pass." Even your baby struggles from not getting enough sleep - often fussing every evening.
In case you haven't figured it out yet, we're not huge into the idea of grinning and bearing it when you're falling apart at the seams because your baby wants to party all night, every night. You need adequate sleep not only to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for your family, but also to protect your future health.
What kind of parent could you be if you weren't completely exhausted and wrung out every day? The kind you always dreamed you'd be.
There's a solution and it's SO simple.
Our postpartum doulas are here to help you. We're going to arrive at 9:00 PM, have a chat about how it's going, your baby's bedtime routine, and care instructions. We're going to send you to bed with your curtains drawn and your sound machine on, and we're not going to let a single peep disturb you while we feed, burp, change, and rock the little precious. We'll wash the bottles and log the diapers and feedings, and say good morning and goodbye at 7:00 AM. (BREASTFEEDING FRIENDLY: If you're exclusively breastfeeding, we'll observe your baby for hunger cues and bring them to you for nursing, and let you go right back to sleep afterward.)
Cue awesomeness and you getting your life, health, and sanity back.
Our specialists are experienced and professionally trained postpartum doulas who are CPR-certified, insured, and background checked.
Family Care Coordinator's Recommendation: "I recommend the Sweet Dreams package of 7 nights. This 70-hour package will give you a blissful week of uninterrupted sleep from whence you'll emerge like a butterfly, making all your mom friends jealous."
Need ongoing overnight baby care (especially for twins and triplets!) or just an occasional night of respite? We aim to please. Contact us and let us know what you need and we'll give you a custom quote ASAP.
A handy flowchart to determine if overnight infant care is right for your family.